Ivan-tea (it's the same fireweed) is more of the most useful features of men's reproductive health.



Properly brewed potion, this plant enables to provide the body with:

  • vitamins (especially A, B-group, in which the leaves of fireweed, more than any citruse);
  • polysaccharides (complex carbohydrates), which is the best source of energy;
  • organic acids and fitosterolami, which is related to working with blood formation and also produce antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects;
  • flavonoids, which help prevent damage to the prostate;
  • alkaloids, which affect the work of the central nervous system, a heavy rush of blood flow to the pelvic organs.

These substances and still over 30 and the various trace elements in the composition of plants is able to produce to clean the organism of toxins and other harmful substances to promote the entire update and rejuvenation of the body, stimulate the immune system to deal with very different diseases, and – most importantly – to restore a healthy sex life action men. Ivan-tea is a man's organism following:

  • regulates the normal progression of the metabolic processes;
  • optimizes the functioning of the endocrine system (thyroid and adrenal);
  • gives the whole work of the reproductive system, particularly the testes;
  • restoring the hormones necessary for levels of the male sex hormone testosterone;
  • effects on the nervous system, removing the effects of stress and nerve growth, which often is the reason why psychological impotence.

The impact of Ivan-tea potency is guaranteed for its ability to stimulate the work of the prostate, to alleviate the symptoms of his disorders to suppress tumor proliferation and produce a positive impact on all organs and systems, which is responsible for the education of erection.

Thanks to the influence of hormones and the ability to strengthen the vascular walls fireweed helps the filling of the penis body blood and promotes lasting erections.


The right beverage consumption based on the ivan-tea allows the man to successfully oppose impotence and prostate diseases, as well as help representatives of the stronger sex, and solid ages to save a successful sexual sphere. Fireweed, that the potency will help to strengthen men's health and to improve sexual performance quality. Use ivan tea potency is recommended in two ways:

  • if the tincture;
  • cooking.

The infusion of Ivan-tea is made as follows:

Take the dried chopped leaves (1 tsp.) and pour them over with boiling water (350 ml).

Let the mixture stand for about 13-15 minutes, then drain and let cool slightly.

Prepared infusion is a drink in two doses for one day.

The overall duration of the reception of the healing tincture must be not less than 30 days. These intervals should be take a break for 30-45 days and again repeat the course of treatment.

Be sure to follow the instructions on the dose and the duration of the adoption of tools, both as a violation of the rules will lead to serious consequences.

Cooking is – a tool is more concentrated, so that the key still needs to be more strict doses are:

Take dried leaves of fireweed (2 tsp.), pour over boiling water (350 ml).

The mixture to a boil with a quarter of an hour, then turning off the fire, let the broth stand for 90 minutes.

Ready instrument is necessary to strain the liquid, cool and take three times a day for 1 tablespoon. l.

The broth fireweed advisable to consume just before eating.



Prostatitis and prostate gland adenoma is one of the main reasons for the weakened potency. Treatment for these men diseases there is a separate recipe:

Take equal parts of chopped dried leaves and roots of fireweed (10 gr.), pour the boiling water (175 ml).

Let instrument stand for 1 hour, then drain and condenser.

Ready for the broth take 1 tbsp three times a day.

So if you this money, if also used infusion of Ivan-tea, to combat the disorders of the sexual sphere (especially impotence) to be to follow an important rule: after 30 days of treatment must be interrupt 30-45 days.

Note! A pause in treatment allows men the body to relax and try to create options in the urinary tract and reproductive system.


Strict contraindications for the use of the Ivan-tea to strengthen the men's potency not, but this feature is in the form of infusions and decoctions should be used with caution:

  • if you have problems with high blood clotting;
  • if thrombosis;
  • if thrombophlebitis;
  • if the varicose disease.

If there are no data problems drink the fireweed, that the anti-impotence can be almost without limit, except in the dose. Regular in excess of dose and when informed of the treatment more than 30 days or the publication of the side effects:

  • indigestion;
  • violation of the liver to work;
  • disorders of the bowel.

It is important! In order to avoid unexpected health problems before you adopt, should be to consult a physician.